NCDOT & Commission of Indian Affairs - Community Opportunities Tour


Hosted by the North Carolina Department of Transportation in collaboration with the North Carolina Commission of Indian Affairs, this event aims to foster economic development opportunities within the Division 6 area located near the Waccamaw Siouan, Lumbee Tribe, and Coharie tribal areas.

Highlights of the event include:

  • Welcome – Greg Richardson Executive Director NCCIA; Remarks: Esteemed Chief Mike Jacobs – Waccamaw-Siouan
  • Opening remarks and Initiatives by Tunya Smith, Director of the Office of Civil Rights for NCDOT 
  • Presentation by Kenneth Clark on various opportunities in the Division 6 area
  • Port Opportunities
  • Networking opportunities
  • Lunch
  • Open Discussion
  • Closing Remarks – Candace Lowry Deputy Director NCCIA

We encourage you to extend this invitation to all tribal businesses and interested tribal members within your community, especially American Indian-owned businesses.

Your presence and participation are highly valued as we work together to explore avenues for economic growth and prosperity within the Waccamaw Siouan Tribal communities.