
Claims were due by June 30, 2014. The Office of Justice for Sterilization Victims is closed and claims can no longer be filed.

If I believe that I or someone in my family may have been sterilized under the N.C. Eugenics Board program between 1929 and 1974, what should I do?

Persons who feel that they may have been sterilized under the authority of the N.C. Eugenics Board program between 1929 and 1974 should contact the N.C. Office of Justice for Sterilization Victims’s Information Line at 1-877-550-6013 (toll free in North Carolina) or 919-807-4270.

View Frequently Asked Questions about Claims

Instructions on How to File a Claim for Compensation under the Eugenics Asexualization and Sterilization Compensation Program.

  1. Claimant must have been alive on June 30, 2013 to be eligible to be a qualified recipient. To be a qualified recipient, you must have been asexualized involuntarily or sterilized involuntarily under the authority of the Eugenics Board of North Carolina. Involuntary means that the procedure was done contrary to or without choice, including a procedure performed on:
    1. A minor child, either with or without the consent of the minor child's parent, guardian, or other person standing in loco parentis;
    2. An incompetent adult, with or without the consent of the incompetent adult's guardian or pursuant to a valid court order; or
    3. A competent adult, without the adult's informed consent, with the presumption being that the adult gave informed consent.
  2. Claimant, or a person lawfully authorized to act on the claimant’s or claimant’s estate’s behalf, must file a claim on or before June 30, 2014.
  3. Claimant, or a person lawfully authorized to act on the claimant’s or claimant’s estate’s behalf, should complete pages 1 and 2 of the following Claim for Compensation under the Eugenics Asexualization and Sterilization Compensation Program form. A claim will not be rejected for incomplete information.

Note to Claimant: Do not complete page 3.

Mail claim form to:

North Carolina Office of Justice for Sterilization Victims
1330 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1330.

Note: We cannot accept any electronic submissions.

To ensure compliance with the statutory deadlines, the Industrial Commission would encourage that you file your claim in person or by certified mail, with return receipt.